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Excessive tillage compromises soil quality by causing severe water shortages that can lead to crop failure. Reports on the effects of conservation tillage on major soil nutrients, water use efficiency and gain yield in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and maize (Zea mays L.) in rainfed regions in the North China Plain are relatively scarce. In this work, four tillage approaches were tested from 2004 to 2012 in a randomized study performed in triplicate: one conventional tillage and three conservation tillage experiments with straw mulching (no tillage during wheat and maize seasons, subsoiling during the maize season but no tillage during the wheat season, and ridge planting during both wheat and maize seasons). Compared with conventional tillage, by 2012, eight years of conservation tillage treatments (no tillage, subsoiling and ridge planting) resulted in a significant increase in available phosphorus in topsoil (0–0.20 m), by 3.8%, 37.8% and 36.9%, respectively. Soil available potassium was also increased following conservation tillage, by 13.6%, 37.5% and 25.0%, and soil organic matter by 0.17%, 5.65% and 4.77%, while soil total nitrogen was altered by −2.33%, 4.21% and 1.74%, respectively. Meanwhile, all three conservation tillage approaches increased water use efficiency, by 19.1–28.4% (average 24.6%), 10.1–23.8% (average 15.9%) and 11.2–20.7% (average 15.7%) in wheat, maize and annual, respectively. Additionally, wheat yield was increased by 7.9–12.0% (average 10.3%), maize yield by 13.4–24.6% (average 17.4%) and rotation annual yield by 12.3–16.9% (average 14.1%). Overall, our findings demonstrate that subsoiling and ridge planting with straw mulching performed better than conventional tillage for enhancing major soil nutrients and improving grain yield and water use efficiency in rainfed regions in the North China Plain.  相似文献   
以400g 左右的金菠萝大吸芽为材料,研究了不同定植时期(4月,6月,8月,10月)金菠萝植株生长状况、自然开花及结果情况进行了研究,结果表明:金菠萝大吸芽的定植时期影响其自然开花,4月和6月定植的金菠萝,自然开花率分别为95%和90%,8月为55%,10月为1%。4月和6月定植的所结果实在1kg以上,8月和10月定植的达不到商品要求。10月份定植金菠萝大吸芽可以有效预防自然开花现象的发生,8月份不适宜定植金菠萝大吸芽。  相似文献   
采取正交旋转回归设计,以播种期、种植密度、施肥量为试验因子,以9000kg/hm2为产量目标函数,进行春花生超高产栽培模式集成研究。结果表明,在鲁西南平原地区,超高产春花生以种植密度和N、P、K施肥量为主要限制因素,播种期为次要限制因素。明确了春花生单产达到9000kg/hm2以上的最佳种植密度、播种期和合理的N、P2O5、K2O施用量为主要指标的栽培技术模式,增产效果显著。  相似文献   
种养结合是农业循环经济发展的重要措施之一。通过正交试验设计,分析了不同种植密度、复合肥用量、腐熟干粪用量对花生生长发育及产量的影响。分析结果表明:1)三因素中高钾复合肥用量对花生的生长发育及产量影响最大。2)13-10-20高钾复合肥用量为300kg/hm2的处理组合普遍表现出植株较高、分枝数较多、单株结果数多等特点。3)产量分析结果显示:最优处理组合为种植密度120 000穴/hm2、高钾复合肥300kg/hm2、腐熟干粪30kg/hm2,同时影响产量大小的因素顺序为:高钾复合肥腐熟干粪种植密度。  相似文献   
以森林资源二类调查数据为基础,采用PLAND指数、MPS指数、AI指数、PAFRAC指数、SHDI、SHEI指数对贵州佛顶山自然保护区景观格局特征进行分析。结果表明:在以地类划分的景观中,林地斑块占主体(91.93%),其中尤以纯林斑块面积最大(61.76%),且斑块完整性最高;在以林分起源划分的景观中,天然林斑块面积占总面积89.19%,且斑块破碎化程度低,保存完好,但原生林面积比例极小(0.49%);在功能分区中,核心区多样性指数和均匀度指数均最低,且核心区斑块异质性低、破碎度低、人为干扰较少,表明保护区功能分区的核心区划定较为合理。  相似文献   
Northern pike, Esox lucius, needs different habitats to survive and reproduce and thus depends on the availability and accessibility of these habitats. To efficiently manage pike, information is needed on its spatial and temporal patterns of migration. In this study, we investigated the occurrence of adult pike migration and which environmental variables influenced migration. From December 2010, we followed 15 pike for 1 year by use of radio telemetry in the River Yser, a typical lowland river characterised by anthropogenic impacts such as artificial embankments. Pike migrated most in February and March, which could indicate they frequented spawning habitat in this period. Four environmental variables significantly affected pike migration, ranging from the location where pike were observed (strongest effect), over water temperature and flow to diel water temperature change (weakest effect). The relation between migration and the location where pike were observed could demonstrate that pike preferred specific regions in the river. Increasing water temperature triggered migration for both sexes, and males started migrating at lower temperatures than females, which suggests that males start migrating earlier. This was the only substantial difference observed between male and female pike migration. The results suggest that migration was inhibited by high flow, as no migration was observed at high flow. River managers can use this information to efficiently manage their pike populations, for example, by removing or temporarily opening hydraulic structures like valves, weirs and sluices. This may facilitate access to suitable habitats at moments pike needs these habitats to fulfil its life cycle.  相似文献   
为研究郑州市城区道路行道树的生长及健康状况,以悬铃木为研究对象进行抽样调查。调查结果显示,郑州市城区悬铃木以中型植株为主,株高7.5~12.5 m的占比63.22%;胸径20.0~40.0 cm的占比57.46%;冠幅6.0~14.0 m的占比65.79%。郑州市内金水区大型悬铃木植株最多,生长状况最优,是道路林荫环境最好的区域。研究区内大部分植株处于“亚健康”和“生长维持”状态,Ⅰ级植株所占比例偏小,仅为7.33%,亚健康植株占比最大,近60%,频死植株占比10.86%。二七区、中原区、高新区3个城区的悬铃木健康状况优于其他城区,惠济区、金水区2个城区悬铃木的健康状况较差。在养护管理条件相似的情况下,立地条件较好的绿带植株整体健康水平优于树穴植株,大型悬铃木植株健康状况普遍优于中小型植株,乔、灌、草3层垂直结构的悬铃木的健康水平优于其它垂直结构,三板四带式道路结构类型的悬铃木植株健康水平最为优异。  相似文献   
为明确北方茶园黑刺粉虱发生规律, 2016年—2017年于山东烟台系统研究了日光温室盖保温被?日光温室及露地3种栽培模式茶园黑刺粉虱发生规律?结果表明, 3种栽培模式茶园黑刺粉虱均以若虫在叶片背面越冬, 1年发生4代, 世代重叠严重?日光温室盖保温被栽培模式越冬代成虫羽化较日光温室和露地栽培发生早28 d左右, 日光温室和露地栽培模式下黑刺粉虱发生期差异不显著?3种栽培模式茶园黑刺粉虱成虫全年均有4次发生高峰期, 第1次高峰期日光温室盖保温被栽培模式较日光温室早20 d左右, 日光温室较露地早30 d左右?黑刺粉虱发生量依次为日光温室>露地>日光温室盖保温被, 均于10月上旬陆续以3龄若虫在叶片背面越冬?  相似文献   
采伐干扰下次生林灌木层主要树种的生态位动态   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探讨采伐干扰下的灌木层主要树种的生态适应性,用Levins、Schoener和Pianka等生态位测度公式定量分析闽北天然次生林采伐后灌木层主要树种生态位动态。结果表明:样地中黄绒润楠和刺毛杜鹃的生态位最大,属优势树种;甜槠、石栎和映山红为衰退树种,在林分生产作业中需加以保护。采伐干扰促进了灌木层主要树种的生态位释放,各树种的生态位宽度在伐后10~15 a达到峰值,随后下降,伐后20 a接近于未采伐林的生态位;各树种弱度和中度择伐的生态位宽度值约占其生态位宽度总值的50%。生态位重叠值在伐后10 a最大,随后下降,到伐后20 a趋于稳定状态。因此灌木层主要树种生态位的最优期为伐后10~15 a,最佳采伐干扰强度为弱度和中度择伐。  相似文献   
为研究不同种植模式玉米生长发育和产量形成的差异,以玉米‘京农科728’为研究对象,设置65 cm均匀垄作(CK)、68 cm均匀行平作(M1)和136 cm大垄双行垄作(M2)3种种植模式,对出苗质量、植株形态、光合生理特性和产量及产量构成因素进行比较分析。结果表明:与对照相比,M2保苗密度显著增加,株距显著缩小且变异系数更低;M2株高、穗位高、叶面积指数和单株干物重分别降低12.61%、11.21%、1.59%和3.67%,群体繁茂程度较低但叶面积指数和单株干物重下降程度均较小;M2净光合速率、气孔导度、胞间二氧化碳浓度和蒸腾速率分别提高了25.24%、25.41%、53.60%和14.82%,功能叶片的光合能力显著增强;2017—2018年M2分别增产12.60%和17.59%,群体收获穗数的显著提高是增产的主要原因。本研究推荐,黑龙江省第一积温带玉米适宜种植模式为136 cm大垄双行(宽行90 cm+窄行46 cm)垄作模式。  相似文献   
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